Forgiveness Gratitude Principles and Premises

Premise #6: We have Sacred and Holy Contracts

You may not realize it, but we have contracts with each other. These are Sacred and Holy Contract with people in our lives.      We have parents, teachers, friends and yes “noble friends.”

Our “noble” friends have agreed to help us learn an important lesson that we chose to learn together. These “noble” friends you might not consider them friends at all.

In the last post, I talked about life being a mirror reflecting back to you what is inside you. Always look within for your answer. See where you need to be softened and polished. You can thank the “noble” friend for assisting you in accessing and claiming your lesson.

Some of these lessons can be pretty rough. As these contracts are playing out, both you and your noble friend are invited to make the highest choice you can. Choose love over fear. Choose to not perpetuate the behavior.

Another thought. We never have the whole story. We have bits and pieces and then we make up a story around the experience. It is usually a “who dun’ it.” There is a “he said/she said” piece. There is the belief that someone is right and the other is wrong. The “right” or “wrong” person depends on who is telling the story. We can’t see from the other person’s perspective.

Just remember that even though you are in therapy because of somebody, there is somebody in therapy because of your behavior. Consider being generous with forgiveness.

We have agreements and contracts with people in our life. They are here for our learning and supporting each other. Get to the impersonal level to see what the pattern is that is playing out. Thank your noble friend and do your best to drop the story and heal yourself. A life of joy awaits you.

If you want to read more there is a great book: Sacred Contracts, Carolyn Myss

Emotions Forgiveness Principles and Premises

Premise #5: Life is the Mirror

Life is the mirror. Anything that you are experiencing in your life is here because it is resonating with like energy that is inside of you.

If you have good feelings inside of you, you will draw good things into your life. Conversely, if you are experiencing lower emotions of fear and lack, you will draw those experiences to you.

Forgiveness Principles and Premises

Premise #4: We Set Up This Life

  I am going out on a limb here and I will probably rattle some cages. We didn’t just pop into existence for this life. The Creator created us a long time ago. We and our compatriots have been exploring, learning, living and creating for eons.

We have much more choice and participation in the set up of and the running of our lives than we realize.

Being Happy--Being Joyful Principles and Premises

Premise #3 We are Adults and Responsible for Our Life

  No matter where we came from or what happened to us, we are responsible for our choices. We are responsible for filling ourselves, taking care of our needs, our wants and creating our joy. We are 100% responsible for our life.

That is a tall order you might think. “You don’t understand… I had this happen to me or that happen” etc. We all have had bad things happen to us. And yet people get up, dust off and move on.

Emotions Gratitude Principles and Premises

Premise #2: The Biggest Sin Is The Sin Of Self Hatred

   Premise #2: The biggest sin is the sin of self hatred. This is a huge undercurrent affecting the whole world at this time.

There is a pervasive devaluing of human life throughout the world. In business, the bottom line is more likely to supersede and employees or consumers needs. Children are abused. Women are abused. Seniors are neglected and ignored. Countries kill their own citizens. There is war over oil or oppression. Why?

Gratitude Principles and Premises

Premise #1: Each Of Us Operates From Our Own Universe

   There are many currents under the surface of which most of us are not aware. You need to be aware of these in order to make good decisions.

First premise: Each of us operates from our own universe.

Most people are so entrenched in their own lives that they can’t see beyond their eyelids. The universe revolves around them. Only if they have had some experience can they step into another’s shoes for a minute.

Principles and Premises

The Path to Freedom

People’s behavior can be mystifying, particularly when you can’t figure out why they act the way they do and you are getting hurt in the process. Any thing I say about a third person has to be applied to you (and me) too. Read my blog and see if the shoe fits. If is does, walk the path to freedom with me!

There are some patterns that are operating below the surface that seem to control our thinking and behaviors if we are not awake. By the way, much of humanity is unconscious.

Emotions Letting Go

Change Your Mind, Change Your Life

Did you know that if you “change your mind” you will “change your life?” Indeed this is true. Do you look at life as the glass half full or half empty? Is your M.O. usually happy or sad.

Our body produces different chemicals when we are happy verses when we are sad. When we are in a state of happiness, dopamine and serotonin flow activating the para sympathetic nervous system. This


Gratitude as a Healing Tool

One of the best ways to get out of a funk is by being thankful. You are probably thinking that I am Mexico Point Sunset w/ Fireoff my rocker. Well, maybe… Hear me out.

It is very hard to escape the lower emotions. There is so much pull to stay there. It is addicting and alluring, and it may be all we know. People will choose an abusive familiar to an unknown possible every time. Look as girls (or guys) that hook up with an abusive partner time and time again. They know abuse. They don’t know what real love is and therefore won’t choose it unless they fall into it. Then they well may screw it up.

Emotions Gratitude

Clearing Brain Fog Part 4

Lets talk about the emotional issues that we created along with the trauma package. Oh, could we!

The issues that were created as a result of living in a traumatic situation where never resolved. If you have an issue and it is fully dealt with and resolved, it is no longer an issue. With trauma the experience (what happen, the events, the emotions) get splintered and stored anywhere and everywhere in the body. Because it is not resolved, pieces of the experience will keep coming up to be dealt with and resolved.